

  THE PHILIPPINE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AGENDA AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS             This was the shortest but the hardest lesson for me, it is focused on the agenda and development programs of Philippine science and technology. I need to be familiarized with each agendas of the programs for me to be able to reflect if it is accomplished and can be seen in our current situations. We are assigned to create reflective analysis and I enjoyed doing it. I admit that it was hard but it help me to observe the development that are happening around me.  Here's the copy of my task.  REFLECTIVE ANALYSIS


               In this lesson, it is focused on the philosophers and theories of them that became basis of understanding and defining our society. In this lesson we are assigned to record ourselves about one philosopher and his great ideas. I had fun while recording it. Also, it became memorable for me because we are asked to wear purple shirts or any formal wear to show the appreciation of celebrating women's month.     This is me, presenting my task for lesson 3. I am not that satisfied with my work today but I will try to give my best to improve.


           Another task is assigned to us. I created a concept map that shows the relationship and connections of different essential happening in the Science and Technologies in the Philippines. Honestly, I thought this task will be easier for me because last time, I also did the same thing. However, this one takes so much time for me to prepare. Thus, this experience thought me that in every task that I do I need to consider the time in preparing because I never know what circumstances may come that will hinder me to accomplish it on time.        I know the color sucks, but still I'm proud to present it because it is done based on my understanding of the lesson. I will make sure to exert more effort for the upcoming tasks.


  SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN THE PHILIPPINES           This lesson emphasized the development of science and technology in our country which is Philippines. Last time, the lesson focused the discoveries around the world but today, I just want to share something about the development of our science and technologies. The first thing that I realized is that the part where we are colonized by other countries. I think it is rude to say because many of our people died and suffered during the colonization but I can’t deny the fact that their colonization has a great contribution to the advancement of technologies. Also, during the time when we are under the colonization of Spaniards our Katipuneros just use herbs and other remedies for their wounds, but after that when we are still under the Spanish regime, medicines were introduced and we are able to established schools to produce health care workers and facilities and centers to offer health services. Then lastly, the most important contribu


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                We are assigned to create a concept map that will show the relationship and connections of the different essential happenings in the Science and Technology in the world. At first, I didn't know how to start my task. I was overwhelmed by the knowledge that I obtained as I watched the video for this lesson. However, I was able to create it based on the understanding of the concepts that was discussed, I am satisfied with my work. Take a look!    


S CIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN THE WORLD           Hi guys! Today, I will share my reflections and takeaways about the recorded video that was posted last March 7. I wasn’t able to watched it on the exact time of our class but I was able to watch it a day after of posting. The topic was about science and technology in the world. I was fascinated with the age systems, people who discovered ways, things and strategies that started the development of our science and technologies.             I realize that we should very grateful to our ancestors and the discoveries of other countries because what we have today is the fruit of their hard work and intelligence. Without them, we don’t have any base to start with and there’s no need for development. Their contributions will remain, in fact it will improved as the time goes by.    

Virtual Orientation

          For the first time in this semester, we met our respected professor who is Mr. Rommel Mariano. At exactly 8:40 we started our class via Microsoft teams. He checked our attendance and proceed to the orientation. He was able to discuss the course syllabus and he was able to give his rules and regulations. My reflection for today is that being on time is a reflection of how responsible we are as a student. Also, response is also part of learning, Mr. Rommel does not like late response during meetings. I realized that it is hard for them to teach in this kind of platform so we should also exert extra effort to learn and I believe that, this is one of the ways to show how we respect our professors. Lastly, he reminded us that being an education student, we are expected to be responsible, knowledgeable and competent in everything that we do. This is not a way to give pressure in us, but more on challenging us to become a better student today for us to be molded as a great educator